Engineered composite LVL and light steel floor joists


COMMERCIAL LOADS – Timor Leste Embassy, Canberra

Client Australian East Timor Embassy Fund
Product(s) used Tecbeam Joists and Sponsorship
Architect Norman Day
Engineers Arup

Project Statement

Builder Grocon selected TECBEAM joists for the upper level of the Chancery at the Embassy in Beale St Canberra.

The uppel level design comprised offices, a compactus and meeting rooms. The design requirement for a structure comprising minimal steel and simple load bearing walls led to a floor load requirement that could only be successfully carried by TECBEAM joists.

This was successfully executed without the installation of intermediate steel beams.

This goodwill project was funded by donations raised within Australia, of both cash and in-kind contributions as a gift from the people of Australia, to the people of East Timor, in recognition of our shared history. It was an initiative of Rotary, Melbourne, and Leadership, Victoria.

Key sponsors include Grocon and Boral. Tecbeam Australasia was also pleased to also offer its products pro-bono.